Health and Safety Consultants & Compliance Services

VBA Compliance Assurance is one of the leading HSE consultants for businesses that need to perform a health and safety audit or improve health and safety compliance. We leverage our many decades of experience, assisting with and improving compliance obligations from start to finish to provide solutions that promote continuous compliance and improvement throughout your organization. Specifically, we successfully help firms:

  • Demonstrate continuing compliance with health and safety obligations
  • Determine which health and safety regulations apply and address specific questions related to health and safety regulatory requirements
  • Develop and implement a health and safety management plan or system to meet corporate requirements or to obtain a specific certification such as ISO 45001 or OSHA VPP
  • Develop and implement programs and plans to comply with safety regulations and/or corporate expectations
  • Assess current practices to ensure they comply with safety regulations, such as Federal OSHA standards
  • Ensure operations are protective of employee, contractor and visitor health and safety
  • Meet corporate requirements and metrics
  • Obtain a baseline assessment of compliance and identify areas of non-compliance
  • Perform a compliance audit of health and safety management systems
  • Transition regulatory programs during an acquisition or divestiture

From applicability determinations through compliance auditing and corrective action implementation, we provide customized compliance health and safety services and solutions. All team members have substantial experience in assisting companies with HSE compliance obligations associated with existing operations, new plant construction, expansion, acquisition or sale.

Our team only includes experienced senior compliance experts. VBA employees have over 50 combined years of health and safety compliance and consulting experience. We work in a wide variety of industries so we are able to use that experience to offer solutions to compliance challenges that we have observed as being successful in practice.

Learn more about our specific health and safety compliance services below, or contact us to get started: [email protected]

Lean on us as your HSE consultants to develop tailored HSE compliance programs and plans that ensure continued compliance and protect personnel. Our decades of experience and practical applications across many industries mean your VBA-developed Health and Safety Program will be practical, thorough, and the right course of action to achieve and maintain health and safety compliance.

Examples of health and safety planning services we provide include:

  • Onsite safety consultation and comprehensive health and safety compliance program development
  • Overall facility safety plans, written safety programs and procedures development and implementation
  • Plan development assistance for OSHA required plans (federal OSHA and State Plan states), such as:
    • Chemical safety plans and management
    • Confined space entry program
    • Control of hazardous energy program
    • Emergency action plans
    • Emergency response plans
    • Exposure control plans
    • Fire prevention plans
    • Hazard communication plan & programs
    • Hearing conservation program
    • Personal protective equipment assessments
    • Respiratory protection program
  • Safety training


For development of any safety plan, whether it be driven by regulatory requirements, a corporate requirement, or a best practice, our team of experts will work closely with you to thoroughly review current practices, identify compliance obligations and goals, and ultimately develop a compliant plan consisting of elements we know work well in your industry combined with tailored elements that address your specific operations, company culture and concerns.

At the conclusion of the project, you can feel assured you have received an accurate and effective safety and health management system.

Need help developing an HSE plan or program? Contact us here or call: 314-378-6339.

Health and safety regulations and requirements are constantly evolving and so must your HSE management and compliance programs. Health and safety regulations can come from federal OSHA, State-approved OSHA programs, national organizations and consensus standards, and local department of health agencies.

If remaining in compliance in this shifting landscape worries you, we are the perfect health and safety consultants for you. Our HSE experts stay on top of all health and safety compliance issues, directives and regulations, and can help manage the burden of regulatory compliance and reducing HSE risk at your facility. Our HSE advisors provide auditing services, risk assessment reviews of your practices, and HSE compliance for all applicable federal, state and local regulations.

Examples of our HSE compliance auditing services include:

  • Multimedia or focused auditing (federal and state OSHA, or specific regulatory standard within federal or state OSHA requirements)
  • Corporate safety requirement auditing
  • General industry standard
  • Construction standard
  • Injury and illness reporting and recordkeeping
  • Equipment or operation-specific auditing
  • Process safety management compliance
  • Safety permit development and completion

Unlike software packages or junior associates, our expert auditors know how risk mitigation strategies will play out in the real world. We are able to customize HSE management systems and recommend health and safety compliance strategies that have been effectively implemented many times before.

Applicability determinations are used to identify what regulatory requirements apply to business operations, activities and equipment. Applicability determinations are useful for tracking compliance obligations for existing operations, for determining if compliance obligations change as a result of a newly issued rule or rule amendment, or for identifying compliance obligations associated with a facility change or new operation. OSHA and other regulatory authorities issue statutes, standards and regulations for HSE compliance on a regular basis that can be difficult to interpret for your particular application. VBA can review all operations, activities, and equipment to identify regulations that apply, and what compliance initiatives you may need to implement to achieve compliance.

Our team of expert health and safety consultants can recommend if a health safety applicability determination is an appropriate endeavor for you to undertake and answer the question, “Which safety rules apply to me?” As one of the leading health and safety compliance consulting firms, we stay up-to-date with all the newest rulings, regulations, determinations, enforcement initiatives and guidance. Services we specifically provide in this area include:

  • Regulatory health and safety applicability determinations
  • Corporate requirement applicability determinations
  • Applicability assessment tool development, including compliance tools and compliance calendars
  • Documentation of negative applicability

Please contact us here or call 314-378-6339 today to determine applicable environmental rules or get started on your application.

Successful implementation of health and safety management systems creates employee buy-in and must stand the test of time to ensure ongoing compliance and worker protection. Onsite injuries, OSHA recordables, and lost days are all preventable, but getting everyone to participate in initiatives to prevent them is critical.

Whether you need a simple health and safety management plan for one facility or a complicated management system that covers multiple locations, VBA’s HSE management system consultants provide leading health and safety management system development and implementation, including:

  • OSHA and other regulatory compliance systems
  • RCMS management systems
  • Corporate requirement management systems
  • Management system audits and gap assessments

Our process for developing health, safety and environmental management systems, and other HSE audit services, begins when you contact VBA so that one of our experts can discuss your needs. From there we identify your goals and make recommendations based on our knowledge of regulatory requirements and your operations and specific needs.

Any new solutions we help you implement protect your business and employees for the long-run by meeting important compliance deadlines with accurate information and effective processes. Our on-going support means you don’t have to worry about missing important regulatory updates and deadlines.

Ready to work with VBA? Contact us here or call: 314-378-6339.