On September 27, 2018, EPA finalized a fees rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Certain chemical manufacturers, including importers, and processors will be required to pay fees under eight fee categories related to specific TSCA-regulated activities:
- TSCA Section 4 activities – test orders, test rules and enforceable consent agreements;
- TSCA Section 5 activities – notices and exemptions; and
- TSCA Section 6 activities – EPA-initiated risk evaluations, manufacturer-requested risk evaluations for chemicals on the TSCA Work Plan, and manufacturer-requested risk evaluations for chemicals not on the TSCA Work Plan.
Under the final rule, affected businesses will begin incurring fees on October 1, 2018. All fee payments will be required to be paid through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) application, using Pay.gov for processing. Companies must have accounts in both CDX and Pay.gov to make required payments.
EPA has developed a frequently asked questions page to help companies understand responsibilities under the TSCA fees rule.
Need help determining TSCA fee applicability or navigating EPA’s electronic payment system? A VBA expert can help. Please contact us for assistance.